1. It's still a semi-storm here in Cavite. At least, judging from the small area of the sky that I see, that's what it looks like. But that's fine, considering it's loads better than
the howling, smashing wind last night. Yes, our windows are beaten to slight-death by that wind. You'd think we live in the forest where tree branches are hitting the walls. But no, we don't. And yes, that's what it felt like last night.
2. I should sleep
early tonight. Given that I haven't been able to do so well enough last night. The electricity was cut off at 11p
last night. We got it back past 4p
today. Small comfort it was that the situation was almost nationwide. (At least we know the situation won't go
unnoticed for a long time). Nevertheless, sleep got hard to grasp.
And. I haven't missed on sleeping fully since April. As to how that's relevant, I don't honestly know.
3. Now I have an inkling of how life must have been before the cellphone and Internet era.
It feels as if you're in scary exile. Seriously. No one to talk to, no news about the world outside your house's four corners, and no idea if you've suddenly become the lone soul of today's planet. Fine, maybe I'm exaggerating. But hey, the house was oddly and frighteningly quiet the whole over-12-hours blackout.
4. I missed on what I feel would have been a good opportunity (read: employment prospect). Thanks a lot, Bashang. Although, I think the company's real workaholic (I can't say dedicated nor professional, I'm sorry) enough to ask for an applicant to come all the way from Region IV to their Ortigas office for an interview. *sigh* I tried reasoning out, that it's storming and all. I guess I shouldn't have. But I'm never one to risk (that wind!) for something highly uncertain.
What's more saddening is the fact that it's my fourth decline. 2 offers, 2 interviews. And I wonder why until now I don't have work. KTnxBye.
5. Oh well, oh fine. Decisions, decisions (Jane, Eclipse). Might as well live with them and their consequences. You can't undo what's never started in the first place.
The Net's still wonky (Thanks, by the way, to the linesmen who mounted our broadband's antenna up on
top of the roof.
It. Was. Mutilated. By. The. Wind.) The rain's still pouring.
And all I have is this sad little post. Whee, not.
Tomorrow, I shall find something to smile about. I swear.
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