
Day 1 - Your Bestfriend

They say one can have so many good friends but there can only be one best friend. Well, I beg to disagree. Friends are like a myriad of people, sharing with you many experiences and advises. There are indeed varying levels of friendship. And somehow, a few (or one) stands out from your group of friends because well, you've had the most secrets shared together. Or the most number of days spent together. Or because you're really the only ones each other's got when everybody else has left. Hence the term: best friend.

So, if I follow all of these, then I guess I could name two for me: one girl and one guy. But since my guy best friend now merits a different letter for a different day, I guess I would only be writing to my best girl friend.


To my best girl friend,

Hi. I know we don't see each other often now. And I know mostly that's because I have almost always refused to go out with you and the others. So, first thing I wanna say to you in here: bear with me (even when I'm not--and I won't--say sorry).

Then I guess I could say thank you. Mostly, just that: thank you.

For getting me through four years of cruel Math, a feat which entailed giving me the answers to our everyday homework and actually passing me your answered exam sheets during the actual exam. Seriously, I never could've imagined getting through that without your expertise (in Math and cheating, yeah).

For not making me play volleyball in our PE classes. Even if that's mostly because getting tired wouldn't do as much damage to the team as letting me play would. Nevertheless, I passed PE because you were good enough to cheat me out of all the games.

For the school requirements you didn't do because I wouldn't as well. Sometimes I thought you were really foolish, letting me influence you into becoming a delinquent student. But then again, I was not as much of an influencer as I was an excuse for you to let your laziness win over.

For the times that I cried because of him and you would only look at me and say I was disturbing your peaceful nap. I could hit you all those times you did that if you didn't make me feel so stupid for crying.

In most ways, you were like the big sister I never had. You always looked out for me, with occasional hits on the head when I got into fights with the seniors while devising a way to help me out as well. I guess high school could be a lot meaner if I weren't a bully with another bully for a best friend.

So there. You know I'm not much of a speaker when it comes to my feelings so I guess you understand my anticlimatic letter. Good luck to your board exams, I hope you do well. Happy birthday, too (well I'm kinda hoping I get to post this in time for your birthday). And see you soon.

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