
I knew this was going to happen . . . (is this even an original title?)

I could use a fully-functioning brain, you know.

A blank stare, a loud sigh, and then a surrendered shrug.

Have you ever tried to gear up for a marathon only to find out that you don't really want to be in there and so, before the signal to start was fired, you just turn your back and leave? You leave, all the while feeling the regret welling up inside you.

That's how I feel every time I open any of my (purely writing) blogs and try to haul out words about worthy topics. I sign in and click the "New Post" button with enthusiasm only to realize that my brain is all the while immobile.

I'm not saying I'm good at what I do, nor that my lack of written stuffs would drastically affect the world at large. It's just that I'm quite disappointed with myself; I worry that maybe I'm not anymore as eloquent or that maybe I'm now living a way too dull life to write about it.

Hopefully, things start brightening up a bit. I'm trying my best, reading good finds for inspiration, and channeling many of life's excitement. Wish me luck.

Somebody grew up . . . yet again.

Tuesday this week, as I went out of the bathroom draped in a colorful towel, I saw my sister clad in her college uniform. She was waiting for me so I could close the door after her. I watched her leave and walk through the street, head bowed against the soft wind. And I thought about how it was just yesterday when we were wearing matching red-checkered school skirt--hers for grade schoolers and mine for the high school girls.

Sometimes it's hard to imagine life moves on at all. Especially when you have nothing at all that conspicuously grows and changes--like Saturday routines or the arrangement of your bedroom.

And then you become arrested by an apparent change, like a car going through a straight road and then suddenly comes to a swerving point.

I like those times, when life shatters the very ground I'm standing on. It makes me move as fast as I can, develop, grow. It makes me change what is there is to alter.

Some things I really knew was going to happen. Some things I did expect but still managed to shock we good. Maybe life really is like this: we may or may not plan yet things will keep on happening.

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