
My Christmas Bucket List - PART 1

With Christmas superbly near, hey it's only 59 days (as of writing time), I'm beginning to see and read lists. Christmas wishlists, that is. And would I, the list fan, be behind in all of these? Of course not. Ha! Hence, my very own Christmas list.

1. Let the Right One In, John Ajvide Lindqvist

Oh please, let me get this one this time. The very first time I've actually wanted to get a copy of the book, funds are on the low. But the novel's very much available (as in the edition in the photo). Thus, upon seeing our HR's already refilled my bank account, I've rushed oh-so-fastly to MOA's Fully Booked. Only to be sadly told by the shop assistant that sorry, ma'am, we've run out of stocks. So, c'mon. Get me this one for Christmasssss!

2. The Girl who Played with Fire & The Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, Stieg Larsson

I'm already done with the first book of the Millenium series, Dragon Tattoo. And boy am I hooked on Lisbeth Salander. Therefore, I think this would be more of gift from myself to myself. I shall complete the series.

(P.S. Thank you, Jhe, for the first book!)

3. Red flats

Nothing beats a greatly fierce pair of plain red flats. This one from Artwork is a perfect example. I just hope they fit my uber small feet!

4. DVDs

I've only Grey's Anatomy (Season 6 and 7), The King's Speech, and Eat, Pray, Love in mind as of the moment. But I'd really like a nice collection of new movies. No type of film in particular, just something that's just as much as feel good as highly intriguing.

5. One Day, David Nicholls

Another book I've been looking for. What makes the search disbelievingly difficult? I want the edition that does not have the movie adaptation poster up on the cover. My friend, Angge, has that pre-movie edition and I'd really like for my copy to be the same. Alas, I think I've to let pass a few more months before all the movie edition runs out.

6. Harry Potter books

Just like any other solid HP fan, of course I'd like my own complete set of books. Now, I'm not really after the exact complete set. I just need to complete what I already have. Which means, I need books 1, 2, and 4. And in faith to the editions of the books I already have, I guess I prefer these book covers:

Fine, with that particular requirement I may just as well say I don't really intend to complete the books this Christmas. It's a long way. But I'll definitely get there. I have to.

7. Harry Potter films in DVDs

Original, please. Ha! No, I'm not being snotty. I just think that given the films' being entire phenomena in themselves, they deserve to be collected via the original discs.

8. New Black Pumps
So now I'm a serial shoe-murderer. Not that I mean to be one, but I just can't seem to be able to keep a good pair of black heels for longer than, er, 3 months? Superb. I guess it goes with the amount of time I spend walking to, from, and around the office. Here's what I need: good sole, sturdy heels, and a comfortable upper leather.

9. An uber pleasant vacation place

I would suggest the beach. But since we're not very near real great beaches, I guess my family and I could get away with a sunny and charming resort. That one in the picture is the clubhouse at a superbly beautiful village here in Cavite. I'd like to try that. Hmmm.

Okay, for now, those will do. I still have a lot in mind but I'd do another post when I've completed them. Too pricey? Definitely not!

So . . . friends. Haha, just kidding. Give me if you like but no pressure.

Now, imagine looking at me in the eyes while I'm saying "No pressure".


Day 2 - Your Crush

Okay, a bit of a background first. The only crush I remember right now is my high school classmate's older brother (hey, he's only a year older). I've worked with him when I was in sophomore year for a play competition. And that's when I started, er, to admire him--a lot. Then, lo and behold, we got into the same university in college. Well, he transferred into the one where I was. And although we were into different courses, there was a comforting feeling into knowing that I could just as easily come across him at the streets and in the mall.

So here goes my letter.

Dearest You,

Uhhhh. Well, how are you? It's been a long time since I've spoken with you, I remember you were wearing the white uniform for the students of science courses. And you looked happy, I'm glad you did.

I actually don't know what to say here. For one, I don't think you've ever known about my teensy crush on you. I believe your sister hasn't told you and I think she's also already forgotten by now.

I'll keep this superbly short. I just wanna say hi and that I wish you're doing well. It's nice to have become your friend, which means we're on great terms and that in the future you'll smile at me when we've met coincidentally.

I'm glad we've met, that we've had an amazing competition to go through together. You were at most one of those who have made me want to be really good at what I do. You have such high respect for me that it's impossible to think we're not even the best of friends.

Always, you'll hold a special place in my heart.

See you around.