
What Matters . . . Not

Sometimes, things are easier when you don't like them to be. Other times, they are harder when you try to make them not so.

At the very least, at the end of every day, what really matters is how you've faced each of them.

Now, that's a weird realization. Especially considering where it came from. These:

1. Walk-ins at Ortigas with Paula. And seeing Jena accidentally at Megamall. Nothing much to say, except that it has ended to a tiring bus-ride home. But lots of fun within.

2. Being informed that my life already has a plan. Seriously. At least, considering the fact that I'm taking Aikido classes next summer, going to Orlando the summer after next, and having a kid who'll be marrying my friend's child. Yeah. I don't know how those ended up in my future. Ask Paula.

3. Signs. Like signs. As in going to walk-in to a certain company and not pursuing so because there are unexplainable occurrences. Those are, for us, signs that we should be applying somewhere else. I. Honestly. Have. No. Idea. About. That.

4. Being asked by Fiona about one sensitive life/love topic. End of line. This shall constitute another post someday. When I can. :>

5. Getting my copy of my undergrad thesis! Errr. Okay, I admit I'm not even halfway cool about that one. There's just no . . . spark. Anymore. Woot. But I shall post something else about that. Maybe tomorrow.

Just for now, I ought to rest. Kbye.

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