
With Finality

She was walking toward his house, unsure if she ever decided on the right thing. Music was already blaring from the living room and people loitered by the low gate, some held cigarettes while the others inhaled second-hand smoke. They turned to her when she was near enough. They smiled and said hi. Some even went to kiss her on the cheek.

One of them shouted at him indicating her arrival. She couldn't be more prepared, her resolve still leaning toward simply turning and heading back home. But then he went out and greeted her in a manner more relieved than ecstatic that she came. And she knew he doubted her attendance. And she wondered why that would make him uneasy. The gathering, after all, was not for her.

Inside, everything was as familiar as her own kitchen. She knew everyone, from his kin to his friends. Soon, she was kissing people's cheeks, smiling, and being ushered to the dining table.

"You're here!" his sister exclaimed, offering desserts before the main course. But she knew there was not a chronology in that house when it comes to eating so she accepted, silently grateful for the sugar content of the cake that helped surged blood to her body.

The next things were a blur for her. People came and went, some talked to her, others became occupied with the karaoke.

Then out of nowhere, someone coaxed him into singing. He refused. They persuaded more. Until finally he gave in, walked to where the remote was, and punched in some numbers.

Before she knew it, he was singing her song. Their song.

He was singing that one song she had long since stopped listening to. That which had always pulled her from a deep abysmal despair. That which she clung to when everything seemed to break. That which she knew would always be hers, no matter what.

She looked at him, found him looking back at her, and could do little to hold back tears. Two years. It had been two years since he last sang their song. Then he smiled her smile. Her smile, because it was only at her that he smiled that way. She wanted to cry.

Because somehow, she felt the goodbye in his song. It was in his voice. It was in his eyes. It was even in his smile. It was everywhere that she couldn't possibly ignore it. And she knew, right then, that would be the last time he would sing for her. She closed her eyes, locking his voice and his smile into her heart.

After the song, she knew she had lesser time to stay up and strong. So she went on the charade of going around and telling people she was leaving, giving her rehearsed excuse of being under curfew. He volunteered to walk her at least until she could flag down a transport.

They reached the village's entrance but no vehicle was still in sight. She insisted that he leave her there. He heeded. But before he left, he took her into his arms.

In the kind of embrace that he had always encased her in. The kind that said she was safe. The kind that made her feel as if nothing was ever wrong. The kind that showed he loved--and will always love--her.

She returned the hug, putting everything she couldn't say in it. She knew he understood when he patted her head softly.

"Take good care, will you? For me?" he asked when they broke apart.

"Always." was all she could say.

Just then, a vehicle arrived and she must leave. He kissed her on the forehead, that which he used to tease her with because he meant it as reference to their differences in height. But that time, he meant it as reference to what he would always be--her best friend. She looked back at him as she boarded. He was smiling her smile.


  1. virtual hug <3
    i wanna see you. Christmas dinner???

  2. I'm getting lotsa virtual hugs these days. HAHA. Thanks, Paula.

    I wanna see you, too. Hmm, christmas dinner. Why not make it your birthday treat, eh? LOL. :)
